Friday, August 1, 2008

Recap of the Journey thus far

I was browsing through the Commonwealth Scholarship website somewhere in June and came across Commonwealth Shared Scholarship for Masters taught programme. And London School of Pharmacy is one of the schools that is offering the CSS for their courses. Alas, the closing date for the Scholarship is long over as it states 30th of April 2008. Disappointed that why did I not come across the website earlier.

However, I tried to email the School's coordinator to ask if I could still submit my application. Who knows, anything can happen..... So I waited patiently for his reply and replied he did. After a few days, he replied that I can submit the application before 16th of June 2008, 9am( I remember clearly) with all the necessary documents. I did not open my email until the 16th of June, 8am (Malaysian time) and gosh , I had to send everything to him in less than an hour. I hurried home and sent the application form which I had filled up together with the documents. But there is one referee report that I need to get my lecturer's signature. How can I make it on time. Only later I realize that their 9am is our 4pm which gave me enough time to see my lecturer and got his signature and send everything to them on that very day. Thanks Prof Yuen.

I was relieved that everything is done and all I had to do is wait. I was very interested in the course offered and London is simply a great place too. I had a feeling that I stand a chance. I chanted with hope when I got home that day. Although the coordinator told me that he could not guarantee me that I will be considered for the scholarship as the dateline was already over, I did not give up. I know that I have to employ the strategy of the Lotus Sutra and chant lots of daimoku.

Somehow I had the feeling that this is the opportunity that I had been looking for.

To be continued

1 comment:

angie ong said...

good luck!

im sure you can make it happen! we've got d secret weapon!