Friday, June 20, 2008

My Last Day

Here I am, clocking in for the last time in the office that I have worked for 10 months. How do I feel now?

There is a mixed feelings, happy that I am able to leave this place to venture on something certainly more challenging but fully aware that these carefree and flexible working hours are a thing of the past. But I am really glad that I wont feel that I am wasting my time and my youth anymore. Its a complex feeling nevertheless. The days here has really opened my eyes to a lot of things which is not appropriate for me to reveal here at this moment. But at least I have the chance to experience things which otherwise I would not be able to experience in other places, whether its good or bad.

I guess everything that happens in life should be looked at a positive way as every turn of events serve to develop ourselves, does it not?
So what is in store for the future? I do not know but what I am certain is I will not fear anything. It is time I take on the world. As long as I maintain faith, things will be fine.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Getting on with renewed confidence

Days after making the big decision, I am still coming to grip with it. It was quite nervy at the start but it was much better now. I have found some renewed confidence and looking for a glimmer of hope of getting something out these. I am desperate to go overseas to satiate my thirst for knowledge and inspiration. With renewed determination, I am really keeping my fingers crossed. I keep asking myself for what purpose do I want to be in the academic field? I got some of the answers while talking to my professor the other day. But there is more to it.

The state of higher education in the country is in such a sorry state. To jump into it at this moment is like committing kamikaze. But you have to be in the system itself to be able to change it. I may not be in the position to affect any change now, but I will in 10 years time. I need to build my foundation, knowledge, wisdom, way of thoughts and etc...So I have to be exposed to the outside world.

It is time to change. Education is not to serve politics. Education is not to merely churn out followers and robots. Education is not to stifle the minds of the young. Education is not to get a string of As.

Education is to create people who can think and articulate ideas, conduct intellectual dialogues and are able to utilise the knowledge to benefit the people and society. Education is to serve the people, not serve the people in the ivory tower. Education is to create agents of change who can contribute for the betterment of the society.

Friday, June 13, 2008

A Turning Point

I have come to a junction where I need to make a big decision which will change the course of my life. To go for it or not or to continue remaining in this comfort zone (not that comfortable afterall) - these are the questions that I have been asking myself. Although I have been preparing myself for this change, but when you are finally at that point of making that decision is never easy.

But I am glad that after sincerely praying, I have the courage to take that step. It is a relief, a big monkey off my shoulder at the moment but in no ways that it will be smooth sailing thereafter. It is just the beginning of more challenges and obstacles. As rocky as the path ahead may seem, I am prepared for what may come. I fear nothing. I am ready for it for I have limitless potential. Everybody has that. Sensei, just watch me !

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hoping for a change of times

Now that the mouse has been let out of the bag, we are seeing serious spillover effects and repercussions from the fuel price hike. Commodities, food, materials, properties and transportation are set to skyrocket hitting the normal rakyat the hardest. Not only will the rakyat be trying to grapple with their everyday living, they will also need to be wary of social and crime issues which may also be on the rise.

What has the government done to alleviate the people's suffering?
Again, they have come out vague and unconvincing measures to show that they are serious in facing the hardships with the people. A 10% cut in entertainment allowances is but a chicken feed amount to start with. What is the entertainment allowance needed in the 1st place? Is it not right to say that all government functions and entertainments are already borne by the government? Is the entertainment allowance used to entertain their own family and cronies? What other allowances are the ministers entitled to which are not made known to the people? If they want to cut the subsidies by 40%, shouldnt the allowance be cut in tandem with the subsidies?

The problems that we face today are the consequences of the many years of wastage, corruption, inefficiency in the government sector. Maybe I should not say this as I myself is very much in the system as a civil servant but these recent turn of events has made me even more determined to voice out things which are not right. But alas, what can we at the bottom of the hiearachy do to change it?

I am just hoping that government in waiting will not wait anymore. They could not possibly do worse than the government of the day, could they? Lets wait and see.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bracing for difficult times ahead

Finally, the bombshell has been dropped. The announcement that everyone dreads has been made. I was quietly expecting it to come with hints given by our beloved PM a few days before the run-up. But never had I expect it to come with such a bang. 41% increase is way far above what I had expected. It is definitely a big burden all across the board affecting the poor and the middle class the most.

On the news yesterday, as our beloved PM was making his maiden speech on the oil increase, what I see is a hypocrite in the truest sense of the word. Never mind that all politicians are hypocrites. But in telling Malaysians to accept it, live with it and change our lifestyle is like telling us to stop going to work, stop eating and stop buying. The average Malaysian has been trying to make ends meet with meagre income. The people that most need to change their lifestyle is none other than the leaders of the country, the celebrities, the rich and what not. There are the people who are living lavishly and worse still, the so called leaders are spending the public's hard earned money.

In other countries that the goverment claim has higher fuel price compared to us, I would like to ask the PM if those countries have a public transportation as screwed up as ours, do the cars there cost as much as here, do they need to pay such heavy road taxes, do they need to pay tolls and etc.....
Pls compare an apple with an apple and not an apple with a banana.

Let just hope for all to be able to adapt to the change and peace and prosperity of the society will be maintained.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I have not written for some time now. Not easy to maintain a blog, what more to come out with interesting articles from time to time. As for me, these few weeks has been rocky and unpredictable where I need to pause and look at my life from a bigger picture at the same time redefining my priorities and directions. It has not been easy coming to terms with realities, recovering from setbacks and look forward for a better outcome.

Coincidentally, two disasters had also happened namely the Myanmar cyclone followed by Sichuan earthquake which brings out the best and the worst in humans. Two entirely different response in managing disasters is a macro picture that reflects the character and attitude of humans. We can choose to be defeated by the problem or be strengthened in solidarity to overcome the problem.

We choose the path that we want as we are the master of our destiny.
If one look at the Sichuan Earthquake negatively, one may say that it has come at a wrong time and at a time when China is preparing for the Olympics. But it is really heartening that it has brought out the humanity side of people, to help those who are in need and unite the Chinese people from all over the world. It may be blessing in disguise as disaster of this magnitude can make China stronger than ever in facing the Olympics as well as the rest of the world.
However, cannot be said about the military junta of Myanmar who only thinks of their own benefits and power without thinking of the lives of its people. They are afraid that their grip on Myanmar will be weakened if they allow international aid to come in, leaving thousands of children starving and ill.

We may also ask what causes these things to happen. It may be natural disaster but natural disasters too can be caused by man. We have come to a point that if we do go on the rate we are going, more and more disasters will happen. Therefore, the world and the people need to wake up and heed these signs to stop our greed, our destruction of the environment and wastage of natural resources.
Wake up, fellow human beings!