Friday, June 13, 2008

A Turning Point

I have come to a junction where I need to make a big decision which will change the course of my life. To go for it or not or to continue remaining in this comfort zone (not that comfortable afterall) - these are the questions that I have been asking myself. Although I have been preparing myself for this change, but when you are finally at that point of making that decision is never easy.

But I am glad that after sincerely praying, I have the courage to take that step. It is a relief, a big monkey off my shoulder at the moment but in no ways that it will be smooth sailing thereafter. It is just the beginning of more challenges and obstacles. As rocky as the path ahead may seem, I am prepared for what may come. I fear nothing. I am ready for it for I have limitless potential. Everybody has that. Sensei, just watch me !

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