Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Getting on with renewed confidence

Days after making the big decision, I am still coming to grip with it. It was quite nervy at the start but it was much better now. I have found some renewed confidence and looking for a glimmer of hope of getting something out these. I am desperate to go overseas to satiate my thirst for knowledge and inspiration. With renewed determination, I am really keeping my fingers crossed. I keep asking myself for what purpose do I want to be in the academic field? I got some of the answers while talking to my professor the other day. But there is more to it.

The state of higher education in the country is in such a sorry state. To jump into it at this moment is like committing kamikaze. But you have to be in the system itself to be able to change it. I may not be in the position to affect any change now, but I will in 10 years time. I need to build my foundation, knowledge, wisdom, way of thoughts and etc...So I have to be exposed to the outside world.

It is time to change. Education is not to serve politics. Education is not to merely churn out followers and robots. Education is not to stifle the minds of the young. Education is not to get a string of As.

Education is to create people who can think and articulate ideas, conduct intellectual dialogues and are able to utilise the knowledge to benefit the people and society. Education is to serve the people, not serve the people in the ivory tower. Education is to create agents of change who can contribute for the betterment of the society.

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