Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My First Post

There is a report that says Malaysia has the most number of bloggers. Wow....that is definitely a something to be proud of...not.... Malaysia Boleh!
Out of the urge to pen down some of my views that has been bottled in me for some time, I turned to blogspot and here I am, writing my first post. Never had I imagined that I will have my own blog, but I guess developments in recent times such as the recent General Elections where bloggers helped to turn the tide and several articles /blogs that I read helped me to change my perception about blogging.
Furthermore, I am beginning to strongly feel the importance of words in the development of society as a whole. Words has always been important but the emergence of the internet has magnified this effect as you can reach out to virtually anyone in the world. An article that is encouraging and inspiring will be able to give a person hope. With that in mind, I hope to be able to pen down some of my views on life, religion and philosophy along the way in the hope that it will be able encourage and inspire. If I can touch even just one person, I would be more than happy.

1 comment:

angie ong said...

welcome to the world of blogging :)

keep it up!